Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Not a Distraction #1

10/7/09 Around 12:18 AM in Math Lab

The wind was howling, but it could have been a whisper.
The sun was bright, but it could have been dusk.
We sat hand-in-hand, but I could have been alone.
The world came to life before our eyes, but we could have been blind.
The music played throughout the streets, but we could have been deaf...

10/7/09 in Music Class

If I could write my heart onto paper, if I could give it all that I have. If I somehow put my scattered thoughts into scattered words, I would... I think.

There are so man times that I wish I could hit the call button on my phone and have God pick up. It's not that prayer is a difficult concept, sometimes I just want the feeling that Im having a conversation, like with any other person.
But usually Im the one giving advice on the phone. Im horrible at taking advice. Just give me the facts, numbers, and statistics, and then I'll ignore them for my decision...

I then went on to write three pages of a story.

10/12/09 Around 11:58 PM- Sitting in my dorm.

If life were an assortment of candies, we'd all be in trouble. Sometimes it is sweet, sometimes it is sour. Life can be a delicacy to most, it has those "delicious" moments that we never want to end. And every so often life can be bitter, like that disgusting piece in the assortment that looked tasty at first. Life can have pleasant surprises, or distasteful consequences. Sometimes it is labeled, sometimes we must take a chance. At times we share our candy, but other times we hide it from the world, never to be seen. In the end we need to cherish our candies. Because one day we'll run out, thus removing a piece from the assortment of those we love.

Around 11:15 PM- Sitting in my dorm.

Beautiful eyes, will you look at me tonight. "You say everything is just right," say your beautiful eyes. And I would say it once more. You stare into mine, and for a moment in time, I feel as if I can see everything about you, did you feel that too? Beautiful eyes, life is perfect. Beautiful eyes, I can now see. Beautiful eyes, I can finally see, and now I understand what shines through you. Beautiful smile, you cause me to do the same, though its radiance cannot compare. Beautiful smile, you bring me to my knees, this world vanishes, I am finally at peace. Beautiful smile, if I am to see you more, I must first rid myself of all the evil. And if I can see you for one more second than the time I've already had, it would all be worth it, and the peace would return. Beautiful love, how I've awaited your return. Beautiful love, I pray that you will stay. My eyes are bright, my smile is wide, and the long lost peace has returned like a prodigal son; I accept it gladly. Beautiful love, I love you so much Beautiful love will you allow me to gaze?
Beautiful will you flash that smile? Beautiful, will you show me your love? Hello Beautiful, my eyes are bright, my smile is wide, this moment is right. The love is there, and the peace has settled in. Hello Beautiful, won't you stay?

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