Monday, October 26, 2009

What the...? #1

We've all been there; Church camp, Wednesday nights, or the occasional weekend retreat. Something everyone has experienced once in their life at these events: Youth Group Games.
Stick with me for a few sentences here; how many times have you done some type of fun you game (i.e. relays, or "circle games") only to leave asking yourself, "who thought of this?" Seriously, ever play the circle games "Never have I ever" or "Honey if you love me smile?" Depending on the congregation you choose these games could take a wrong turn. And these are just the church games, think about the types of games that are involved at retreats and camps. One that comes to mind is trying to fill a bucket of water by passing cups between people's legs. I can recall a few experiences where I left a game (that my team had won of course) asking, "who comes up with this stuff?" Is there a committee that meets each year, or is it just a job that falls upon the guy that can't be trusted with any other job, but his church wants everyone to participate so they give him that job (run on sentence much)?

Alan: "Susan who are we gonna get to set up the camp games this year?
Susan: "What about Bob Jackson?"
Alan: "You mean "Uncle" Bob Jackson?"
Susan: "Yeah, we couldn't put him at the camp, and this is the only other job available."

Now, Im not implying that all games at church can be inappropriate, I have had a lot of fun at different camps and events over the years. What I am saying though, is that we need to have a little more discernment when designing these games.

What is the most awkward game you've played at a church event?

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