Friday, October 23, 2009

Visits To The Math Lab

While In Math Lab This Afternoon I Decided To Write Out My Feelings Towards That Which I Hate Most.

Dear Math,

I've paced my room for days on end, digging a rut into the carpet; and for what? Im not going to say I hate you, on the contrary, I actually love you and all that you stand for as a form of education. but my love for you is like that which I have towards annoying relatives.. I don't want to see you as often as I probably should, and I may call you evil behind your back, and I occasionally will skip my visit to go to another computer lab that is just as far out of my way. Sometimes though, I just sit in my room and think of what I could accomplish if you didn't exist.
For all this my sweet Math Lab, I apologize. I will continue to call you evil, and make fun of you, but I promise I'll visit more often and act like I enjoy my time with you, when in reality Im going to be thinking about my weekend... and food.

Much Love,
(but not too much)

Blake J.

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